Millennials are having a hard

time keeping up

With the savings journeys of our parents—and it’s not because we can’t save money. Younger generations can’t save like previous generations and it’s showing in our bank accounts. Unfortunately, we live in a capitalist society where it matters how much money you have in your pocket. You will not be able to retire without learning how to invest—we don’t say this because we are trying to scare you, but because it’s a fact.

The Wealth Building Academy has built a comprehensive education program to teach Canadians how to invest. Many Millennials and Generation Z’s are scared of the stock market and aren't getting the returns they will need to fund their retirement. In these uncertain and inflationary times, it’s important to be getting the largest return available to you on the market.

The Wealth Lab is a self-led, eight-module course to teach you how to sustainably invest, and build a profitable investment portfolio to keep you warm when you’re old and grey. And it is the only course on the market with an entire module dedicated to gender lens investing.

Millennials are having a hard

time keeping up

With the savings journeys of our parents—and it’s not because shop too much. Younger generations can’t save like previous generations and it’s showing in our bank accounts. Unfortunately, we live in a capitalist society where it matters how much money you have in your pocket. You will not be able to retire without learning how to invest—we don’t say this because we are trying to scare you, but because it’s a fact.

The Wealth Building Academy has built a comprehensive education program to teach Canadians how to invest. Many Millennials and Generation Z’s are scared of the stock market and aren't getting the returns they will need to fund their retirement. In these uncertain and inflationary times, it’s important to be getting the largest return available to you on the market.

The Wealth Lab is a self-led, eight-module course to teach you how to sustainably invest, and build a profitable investment portfolio to keep you warm when you’re old and grey. And it is the only course on the market with an entire module dedicated to gender lens investing.



  • Only 10.6% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women;

  • White women make $0.82 for every $1 earned by men;

  • Women make better investing decisions than men. By a long shot.


To educate and empower women to engage

in wealth building confidently and profitably.


To be a financial visionary for women,

advocating and educating on wealth building strategies,

helping women build confidence and create freedom through financial feminism.

Women are at a higher risk to not take control of their finances and we are here to teach both women (and men) how to confidently take ownership of their investments portfolios. If you're new to investing this course will be for you.

Teaching everything from the basics of what a stock or bond is all the way to executing trades and learning the tax treatment of different registered accounts. Women are coming into control $30 trillion (yes, you read that right) worth of assets in the coming decades, it's time we learned how to grow that wealth!


To educate and empower women to engage

in wealth building confidently and profitably.


To be a financial visionary for women,

advocating and educating on wealth building strategies,

helping women build confidence and create freedom through financial feminism.

Women are at a higher risk to not take control of their finances and we are here to teach both women (and men) how to confidently take ownership of their investments portfolios. If you're new to investing this course will be for you.

Teaching everything from the basics of what a stock or bond is all the way to executing trades and learning the tax treatment of different registered accounts. Women are coming into control $30 trillion (yes, you read that right) worth of assets in the coming decades, it's time we learned how to grow that wealth!



Janine masterfully unravels the patriarchal systems holding women back with actionable steps to fight back. Wise investing advice delivered with power and passion.